Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Warrior Dash Tips

A friend from MOMS Club sent this out this morning. I just wanted to pass it on to my fellow Warrior Dashers. Mike Brandt (guy who has run tons of marathons), and lo and behold, Mike has run a few Warrior Dashes too. He had some advice for those of us who are running the Warrior Dash here in KC. Here is the advice:

1.) Wear shoes you will not want to wear again. In fact they will get so muddy and there is a "donation pile" where many people leave their muddy post-race sneaks to go to Warrior Dash heaven.

2.) You will be started in a wave with hundreds of other people. When you get to an obstacle, you must commit to getting over/through it or risk being shoved aside or run over. If you need to catch your breath or strategize or watch how someone else gets over an obstacle.... stand back from the base of the obstacle. Once you are at the obstacle, commit and go!

3.) Many people (especially ladies or those with fancy costumes) hesitate and the first mud/water crossing and try to tiptoe, keep clean, and be somewhat prissy.... Mike says that by the end of the race everyone is covered with mud so you might as well dive right into the first one so you don't get shoved for slowing down the others behind you and besides, you will get a better time.

4.) If you know you will be going fairly slow, try to start late in your wave so you don't have so many people shoving past you.

5.) Advice from Pam: watch Warrior Dash videos on You Tube. You will see how people get bottlenecked at the obstacles. From Me: They are also fun to watch how people traverse the obstacles.

6.) From yours truly: Enjoy the Beer and festivities afterwards! It's gonna be a blast.

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