Tuesday, June 18, 2013

11. Describe 10 Pet Peeves you have

a.       The sound of people eating loudly, smacking and crunching of food and the sound of someone licking their fingers and sucking the sauce off of it. It’s called Misophonia.
b.      People who are obnoxious, loud and rude to people at work, just because they think they are lying.
c.       Loud, always have to be the center of attention people.
d.      Those who think problems will go away if you simply ignore them.
e.      Those who say they will show up at something and they NEVER do.
f.        The answer of “I don’t know” or “I don’t care” if I am asking a question that requires a response.  Then when someone else decides, they don’t like the choices that other people make.
g.       Ill fitting clothing.
h.      When I call someone, they don’t pick up, and then they answer with a text.  If I wanted to text you, I would have done so.
i.         People who sleep all the time.
j.        When I am out of a product I really like and then I never find it again.

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